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ROS Notes


  • Node

    ROS 裡最小的單位

  • Topic ( Publisher / Subscriber )


  • Service ( Server / Client )


  • Action ( Server / Client )

    雙向,中間可接收 feedback

  • Parameter Server

Topic ( Talker and Listener )

  • roscore:開啟 master

    如果沒有開啟的話,node 彼此無法溝通。
    roscore 在一個網域中只能同時有一個!

  • rosrun roscpp_tutorials talker:執行 talker node
  • rosrun roscpp_tutorials listener:執行 listener node

    talker 和 listener 是 package:roscpp_tutorials 內建的

  • rosnode list:列出目前所有 node
  • rosnode info <node_name>:列出 node 的詳細資訊
  • rostopic list:列出目前所有的 topic
  • rostopic hz /<node_name>:列出 topic 發送的頻率
  • rostopic info <topic_name>:列出 topic 的詳細資訊
  • rosmsg show std_mags/<msg_name>:列出 msg 的型別和變數名稱
  • rosnode ping /<node>:測試 node 是否存在

    若不存在、關閉此 node,則會出現 cannot ping [/<node>]: unknown node


Request & Response Communication

  • rosservice list:列出目前可用的 service
  • rosservice type /<service_name>:列出 service 的型別
  • rosservice call /<service_name> <args>:呼叫 service

    args 為根據定義所需要的參數

Service Definition




geometry_msgs/PoseStamped start
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped goal
float32 tolerance
nav_msgs/Path plan


  1. roscore:開啟 master
  2. rosrun roscpp_tutorials add_two_ints_server:執行此 server
  3. rosservice list:列出目前可用的 service
  4. rosservice type /add_two_ints:列出 service 的型別
  5. rossrv show roscpp_tutorials/TwoInts:查看 Service Definition
  6. rosservice call /add_two_ints "a: 10 b: 5":呼叫 service

不知道參數型態,可在最後按「tab」獲得提示 執行 rosrun roscpp_tutorials add_two_ints_server 的 Terminal 也會獲得資訊


  1. Request & Response with
  • Cancel the task ( preempt )
  • Receive feedback on the progress
  1. Suitable to the scenario while response time is too long
  2. Implemented with several topics

Action Definition




navigation_msgs/Path path
bool success
float32 remaining_distance
float32 initial_distance


  1. roscore
  2. rosrun actionlib_tutorials fibonacci_server
  3. rosrun actionlib_tutorials fibonacci_client
  4. rostopic list:列出目前的 topic
  5. rostopic echo /fibonacci/status:列出 status
  6. rostopic echo /fibonacci/feedback:列出 feedback


  1. ROS provides Parameter Server for nodes
  2. ROS node can store/retrieve parameter from server at runtime
  3. rosparam is the CLI tools for Parameter Server
  • rosparam list:列出 parameters
  • rosparam set <parameter> <value>:設定變數
  • rosparam get /<parameter>:列出變數的內容
  • rosparam dump:列出所有 parameters 的內容


Topic 單方向、連續將資料傳送給對方 Service 停下來等待回應


  1. Able to launch multiple ROS nodes and set parameters easily
  2. It’ll start roscore if no roscore
  3. 副檔名:.launch


    <node name="listener" pkg="roscpp_tutorials" type="listener" output="screen"/>
    <node name="talker" pkg="roscpp_tutorials" type="talker" output="screen"/>
  • roslaunch roscpp_tutorials talker_listener.launch: 執行此 launch 檔案 ( 會自動 roscore )

    指令內容結構:roslaunch <package> <file.launch>

Useful ROS Tool


  1. Latching mode

    Rostopic will publish a message to /topic_name and keep it latched -- any new subscribers that come online after you start rostopic will hear this message. You can stop this at any time by pressing ctrl-C.
    Rostopic 將向 /topic_name 發布訊息並保持鎖定 —— 任何啟動 rostopic 後上線的新 subscribers 都會聽到收到這則訊息。
    rostopic pub -l /chatter std_msgs/String "data: 'test'"

  2. Once mode

    If you don't want to have to stop rostopic with ctrl-C, you can publish in once mode.
    rostopic will keep the message latched.
    如果不想用中斷 rostopic,可選擇 Once mode 下發布。
    rostopic 將鎖定訊息 3 秒後退出。
    rostopic pub -1 /chatter std_msgs/String "data: 'test'"

  3. Rate mode

    In rate mode, rostopic will publish your message at a specific rate. For example, -r 10 will publish at 10hz. For file and piped input, this defaults to 10hz.
    在 Rate mode 下,rostopic 將以特定速率發布訊息。
    rostopic pub -r 10 /chatter std_msgs/String "data: 'test'"


  1. Record, Replay and Debug 錄製、重播、偵錯
  2. network => wireshark
  3. ROS => rosbag
  • rosbag record --all:record 全部的 topic
  • rosbag record /<topic>:rocord 特定的 topic
  • rosbag info <rosbag_filename>.bag:列出 file.bag 的資訊
  • rosbag play <rosbag_filename>.bag:播放 file.bag 的錄製內容



  • rqt:開啟 rqt
  • rqt_graph:開啟 rqt 並打開 node graph

    藍色為 Publisher、綠色為 Subscriber、紅色則為 Topic

Build ROS packages

  • Workspace

    • src:放程式碼
    • build ( 由 catkin_make 自動創建 )
    • devel ( 由 catkin_make 自動創建 )
  • mkdir -p ~/<workspace_name>/src:創建 workspace

  • cd ~/<workspace_name>/src:移動到 workspace/src

  • git clone

  • cd ~/<workspace_name>:移動到 workspace

  • catkin_make:建立 packages


  • cd ~/<workspace_name>:移動到 workspace
  • rospack list | grep rospy_tutorials:列出 rospy_tutorials 的 package
  • echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:顯示 ROS system's packages 路徑

Setup the package environment by overlay

source devel/setup.bash 覆蓋

  • rospack list | grep rospy_tutorials

Environment Variable 環境變數

  • ROS_DISTRO:ROS distribution, e.g. noetic
  • ROS_MASTER_URI:Tell ROS node where to locate master
  • ROS_IP/ROS_HOSTNAME:Network Address of ROS node
  • ROS_ROOT:Where the ROS root path is
  • ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:Tell ROS system where to search the packages


  • echo $<environment_variable>:可以顯示出來看
  • ros_menu_env:可以顯示常見環境變數 ( 僅限有使用 ros menu )

Reference for ROS